Community page

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Groundwater assessment platform (GAP):Community tools can be used to create community, share data within the members, and collaboratively develop statistical models and risk maps.

Manage Community

Provides tools to create and administrate a community. 

Create new Community

 To create a new Community, expand the corresponding section and provide the required information.
 Topic: is required
 Description: optional but recommended

Remove Community

 To remove a community select the community and remove it
 Note: Only the creator of a community could remove it.

Invite members

 To add new member to a community, select the community and user. 

Grant Permission

 As a creator of a community, you could grant admin permission to other members.

Community Information

 To see the community information select a community from the drop down list.

Create message

 To create a new message in a community, expand the section, enter the text and press send

Community Data

Statistical modelling in Community

 Developing a statistical model in a community is similar to creating it in the private space.For detail information see Statistical modelling section.

Add modelling table

 In the preprocessing window, select the community and then create modelling table

Add Model

 In the Modelling windows, select the community and create new model.