Gap feedbacks

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Revision as of 02:53, 21 September 2024 by (talk) (Statistical Analysis)

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Summary of issues

Name Type Reported by Date reported Date resolved
Print Function bug JAKOB 22.04.2015


Manage / Change your Account Settings

+ Once I go there and then go back, all is reset and I have to start from afresh. (TOBIAS)

Register Page / Login

+ None of those Google/Linkedin/Microsoft Logins work. I don't see how they are important however. (JAKOB)

Main Map

+ When I zoom into a geographical area and then select a global layer, it automatically zooms out into global view again. It should remain where I zoomed in beforehand. (JAKOB)

Base Map

+ The Google Earth Base Map has a limit in the north and south - if you zoom in you can not look at northern Scandinavia for example, all of Siberia, and northern Canada gone too [1] (JAKOB)

Print Function

+ If the Google Maps Base Map selscted the Tiles of the base map seem to be printed wrongly (Example: [2]). The tiles are replicated and the base map does not correspond with the data layer. (JAKOB)

+ The Legend Titles are strange - there should be an option to choose them in the Print fucntion, otherwise this can not be put into a nice report. See Screenshot: [3] (JAKOB)

+ Cannot Print (as of 17. May 2015) - error reported is '500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.' (TOBIAS)

Upload Function

+ I have tried to upload a zipped file of .shp files where one (.sbx) was missing. As a result nothing happens. The same is true for point data with a .csv File were both Lat and Lon data were available. Even though this is explained in the Wiki, there has to be an error message thrown that immediately explains what I did wrong (eg. 'One of the files specified in the Wiki (LINK) was missing from your uploaded .zip file.'). Otherwise frustration rises quickly when there is just no result at all (JAKOB)

+ I uploaded a Text file, which it then does but it throws a message 'Not Found' - Screenshot: [4] (JAKOB)

+ Trying uploading the Mekong Data as a text file as specified in the Wiki throws the following Error: [5] (JAKOB)

Map Layers

+ When I have multiple layers selected and want to change their properties (like opacity, or the Legend) it is not clear which Layer is associated with which Legend as in this screenshot [6]. There needs to be a clear association for example by having the Legend immediately after the respective layer name. (JAKOB)

+ Layer Information is not Loading [7] (JAKOB)

+ The Feature Info shows data that is difficult to read/understand and when values show up, units are not shown [8] (JAKOB)

+ Reloading the page removes all selected layers by the user! (JAKOB)

+ The automatic zoom to a layer when one doubleclicks the layer works only the first time. Once You zoom out and try again it does not zoom there anymore. (JAKOB)

Public Layers

+ I have shared a layer publicly and then loaded it. Although it has data, the legend is broken. Screenshot: [9] (JAKOB)

My Layers


+ To share with a user I always have to know the first three letters of his/her email adress to find the correct one. This should be better searchable (Name, parts of email adress, etc). [10] (JAKOB)

+ Edits in the symbology are not implemented and when I reload the site all symbology edits are lost. (JAKOB)

Point Data

+ Permissible should be Lat and Lon rather than Lat and Long. (JAKOB)

+ For Point Data the Statistics Button is only visible in the Option on Symbology - this makes little sense. The Statistic graph has the y axis on the wrong side and no x axis label. Also this way the graph is difficult to understand [11] (JAKOB)

+ When trying to include symbology for values within a range (i.e. meas value <=14 and meas value >=10) it creates an error 'Required field is empty' - upload of screenshot does not work ... (JAKOB)

+ Symbology changes are not implemented. - upload of screenshot does not work ... (JAKOB)

Raster Data

+ Upload of simple raster data failed [12]. Data is here: (JAKOB)

+ Upload of another simple example failed [13]. Data is from here: (JAKOB)

Polygon Data

+ Upload results in error message claiming .dbf file missing even though it is there [14] (JAKOB)

+ Simple shapefile could not be uploaded [15]. Data is here: (JAKOB)

Community Page

+ If I send a message within my community to all community members, I can not open this message in the panel (see screenshot: [16]). It has to open once I double click on it. Ideally it would send an automatic email to all community members. (JAKOB, TOBIAS)

+ In the community page, the windows which show all team members can not be enlarged. It is therefore not possible to see all data/adresses completely (see screenshot: [17]). (JAKOB)

+ When I click on 'Permission' to give Admin Permission to different Community Group Users, the titl of the pop up window is 'Add Member to Community' and I have to Search for the User again. It should rather be a list of all users who are part of the group, from which I can then select. (see screenshot: [18]). (JAKOB)

+ With more than 10 communities in a list, there are still 11 showing when I select 'show 10'. This needs to be checked for other lists on the site as well, I suspect it won't work [19] (JAKOB)

+ Cannot add a new member to the hydrosolutions Group of which I am a member? Says I don't have enough permissions to add new member? Who can then add new members to a group of which I am member of - the group admin only? If yes, who is the group admin and how can I contact him? (TOBIAS)

+ Clicking the Permission tag brings up the Add Member to Community window? (TOBIAS)

+ What is the 'Remove' Button Supposed to do? To remove me from the community? Is there a community admin? If yes and if I am the admin and I remove myself from the community, what happens then to the community? Does it seize to exist? Or is the 'Remove' Button to remove the community? (TOBIAS)

+ Don't know how I can now use the Table we have in our hydrosolutions community for further analysis and modelling? (TOBIAS, see also comment by JAKOB below in the Pre-Processing Section)

Statistical Analysis

+ Generally, my Statistical Analysis Panel is not correctly displayed on Mac OS X (Safari, 8.0.6). All tables extend beyond the right edge of the popup window and there is no possiblity to shift. (TOBIAS)

+ Generally, great potential!! Yet, at this time, very rough user experience for me. (TOBIAS)

Descriptive Statistics

+ Why is the Tab 'Descriptive Statistics' open first when it should be last? 'Preprocessing' should be first. (JAKOB)

+ In statistics only a cumulative plot is available. That is not necessary helpful. Rather a boxplot with the distribution of values showing the range and confidence intervals. Also the Table could be improved, as right now all values are just listed underneath each other. Also it says 'owned by undefined' even though it should automatically be associated to me as the user who uploaded it. Also the window of the graph does not show correctly. [20] (JAKOB)


+ once 'Add Layer' is clicked one ends up here ([21]), from where it is not possible to return to the main table (Data Upload Window). without filling everything. It is not clear what the 'Data Upload Window' mentioned in the description is. (JAKOB)

+ Even though I have a Table uploaded ('BanglaTest' in this case, [22]) in the Edit Function I can not access it, the field is empty. Also this window is not centered in the iFrame. (JAKOB)

+ When I want to remove a Layer, it does not do it and just opens an empty yellow window below [23]. (JAKOB)

+ Trying to add second layer for modelling throws an error [24]. (JAKOB)

+ Model does not work, for different reasons perhaps [25] (JAKOB)

+ The last file in the pre-processing table can not be removed - no response. [26] (JAKOB)

+ As of 05/11 the upload of a new model file fails to work completely. (JAKOB)


+ When Modeling it is not explained what a 'proxy' is and the dropdown menu is empty [27]. (JAKOB)

+ When I run a model, there is a small empty yellow window at the bottom but no information whether the model run was usccesful or not and where I can find model results. Only when I reload this page do the model results suddenly appear. There has to be a status message on the model run and where the results can be found. [28]. (JAKOB)

+ Opening the first Model Results, results are not visualized properly and it is not possible to enlarge the window. Also the axes of the scatter plot are not displayed fully but are covered partially. [29]. (JAKOB)

+ I want to apply my model, but no base layer is applicable. [30]. (JAKOB)

Wikipedia Page

+ The WikiPage has images that go beyond the right boundary making the site difficult to read without constant lef-right scrolling. Image Widths need to be limited maximum to page width. (JAKOB)

+ Uploading a Figure does not work anymore. (JAKOB)

Visualization Errors

Global Maps

+ When 'Base Map' and 'Country Boders' is selected ([31]), the map looks horrible. Country borders should not additionally have country names, these are duplicates. The emphasixed borders are fine. (JAKOB, TOBIAS)

Must haves

Main Page

+ There has to be an introduction on the first page on how to use the site, that is that the TOOLS symbol is essential and all sections are there. Otherwise one stands a bit lost in front of the map. We can not expect from users 'to find out themselves'. (JAKOB)

+ All those different windows opening need to have fixed spots - otherwise after a while the page looks really confusing to the user when these windows can be shifted around freely [32] (JAKOB)

Register Page / Login

+ Texts for Disclaimer (Legal Issues) and email to registered user (standard text) need to be written. (JAKOB)

+ If Password is forgotten and new Password is requested ('Forgot Password?') no email is received. (JAKOB)


+ There has to be a possibility to delete one's account (on this page: (JAKOB)

+ This Site: has to be extended to provide: (o) choose whether your contact details can be visible to others. (o) Add your name, contact details, Affiliation. (JAKOB)


+ There has to be a possibility to remove oneself from a community. (JAKOB)

My Layers

+ When I remove a layer there should be a popup window saying 'Are you sure you want to remove Layer xy? Yes/No.' (JAKOB)

Public Layers

+ There has to be a check on layers being uploaded publicly - they need to be approved by an administrator first, otherwise the database visible to everyone can quickly become spammed. (JAKOB)

+ All publicly supplied layers and privately uploaded layers have the (i) for data information one line pushed down [33] (JAKOB)

Statistical Analysis


+ Results from the model (like scatter plots) should be donloadable via a simple button. (JAKOB)

Nice to have


+ I think that for the correct format of Input files we need a screenshot or even a template file that can be filled by users, otherwise they will upload formats that cause trouble. I think the explanation currently available on the Wiki is clear but could be improved (can also be done by someone else than Manouchehr), see following Link [34] (JAKOB)

General Comments

+ Many actions (like sharing or unsharing layers publicly) only come into effect after the page is reloaded. They should rather take effect immediately, otherwise this is confusing to the user. (JAKOB)

Tasks to be taken over by team members (non - programming)

Apart from bugs/changes that need to be conducted in the back-end by programming, there are parts of the site ("Content") that needs to be written and/or checked by team members, ideally by English native speakers.

+ writing disclaimer (Data Ownership, legal issues, etc.)

+ writing Wiki Page / How - to - use - the - site

+ mouse overs

+ all error messages and other notifications